
Innovation for greater freedom.

Between 2010 and 2012, theratecc worked with the Institut für Medizin- und Dentaltechnik Leipzig (Leipzig Institute of Medical and Dental Technology) to develop the Centric Guide® system in response to a real need.

“I spent a long time looking for a system or concept that was suitable for daily use. In the twenty years now that I have been a dental technician, we have used various concepts and systems. To begin with, our customers were often prepared to strike out in a new direction. But on a day-to-day basis, many of these directions turned out to be very costly, so we came up with the idea of developing our own simple and, above all, day-to-day solution.“
Christian Wagner, master dental technician

…...More on the development of the Centric Guide® system:

The technical expertise of his business partner, design engineer Michael Spindler, was particularly useful.

The highest priority during development was accuracy of measurement and thus reproducibility. The system records all vertical lower jaw movements to an accuracy of one thousandth of a millimeter. It was also important that the workflow was straightforward and as error-free as possible. The result is the world’s first digital support-pin registration system, which now makes it possible to record all vertical lower jaw movements. No product on the market has hitherto offered such a simple and simultaneously reproducible, radiation-free procedure for determining jaw relations.

“Costly reworking of new prosthetics, which is time-consuming and frustrating for all concerned, can be minimised if not completely eliminated thanks to the Centric Guide® system – a wonderful win-win situation.”  Christian Wagner, master dental technician, Managing Director of theratecc GmbH & Co. KG


We are proud to have been Innovation Award winners in 2013.

The Saxony State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport confirmed that we were on the right track in 2013. That year, we were the first ever dental technology business to win 2nd place in the coveted Saxony Innovation Awards with our Centric Guide®. Our Centric Guide® was hailed as an outstanding concept and we are accordingly very proud of it. Proud that our commitment to improving processes and workflows has been recognised. Proud to have viewed setbacks and dead ends in the development process as challenges and to have continued to believe in ourselves. Proud that our work is bearing fruit and that our Centric Guide® is establishing itself on the market as an innovative, functional and easy-to-use intraoral solution.

And this is why we have framed our award and hung it where it can inspire us every day. We say, “Thank you, futureSAX!”.
Find out more here about the Saxony Innovation Awards

futureSAX and Christian Wagner, master dental technician, about the Centric Guide® System (german)

Our quality promise

Complete confidence in our products.

Our products are used daily by a large number of dental practices and dental laboratories. Before we provide our specially developed devices to be integrated into your practice or laboratory, we put them through countless testing and optimisation loops both with beta-testers and in-house. We have 100% confidence in our products and will be delighted if you use them to reduce your workload and integrate them into your daily routines. 

Here you can take a look at our products that can make your daily life easier.


Direct sales

No intermediaries, directly from us.

When you buy our products, you buy directly from the people who develop, produce and test them extensively – us. You therefore benefit from the best possible service and support for anything to do with the product you have purchased. We are your contact for all questions on the Centric Guide®, Centric Guide® easy, CMD Pointer etc. Because no one knows our products better than we do.

Got a question about one of our products?
Contact our sales team directly. Your contacts are Mr Hardy Mersiovsky, Head of Sales and Mr Christian Wagner, master dental technician, who is responsible for Development and Marketing.

Head of Sales
Mr Hardy Mersiovsky

phone: +49 371 26 79 12 20

Directly to our products


Good support goes without saying.

We have all had the experience of being held in a long queue after calling a service hotline, of waiting for an eternity for an urgent email query to be answered, or of poor communication about a problem we have raised. As we do not want to test your frustration levels, we have tasked ourselves with addressing your problems and questions about our products and services in a rapid, efficient, competent and solution-oriented manner. Our highly trained Support and Service Team can assist you with all general and technical issues relating to theratecc and will be happy to offer you further support:

IT- Support Manager
Mr Rico Lindner

User Support
Mr Marcus Sonntag, dental technician

phone: +49 371 26 79 12 20
e-mail: really goes without saying:

Our support staff have used our products many hundreds of times. That’s where their experience and expertise comes from. They will be happy to share this with you and to provide advice and support as the need arises. For support with the use of our products in practice and their integration into your daily working life, we recommend our range of workshops and coaching sessions. 
Find out more about our coaching sessions and workshops here

You can also find us on social networks.